
Firm vs. Soft Mattresses: What Gives?

When shopping for new mattresses in San Diego, it’s important to know what you’re looking for. Every mattress is built differently, and a mattress that works extremely well for one may be awful for another.

You need to know what kind of mattress works for you because it’s a huge investment. You’ll be spending most of your day sleeping on it, and it can even affect the way you move around when you’re awake.

One of the most common questions we get is whether or not to get a firm or a soft mattress. We answer that there are advantages to disadvantages to either one and that the choice ultimately comes down to you. You need to consider a multitude of things based on personal needs and preferences when picking out a mattress.


Here are the pros and cons of the firm and the soft mattresses:

Firm Mattresses


When you’re sleeping on a firm mattress, your bones are handling most of the pressure. This means less stress and tension on your muscles, joints, and blood vessels, which means less waking up achy and sore in the mornings!

Firm mattresses also offer stable support for your lower back that prevents it from collapsing. This allows for better blood circulation, oxygen intake, and less pain in your spine. 


If you’re switching from a soft mattress to a firm one, then the shift may be hard to adjust to. As someone who had to do this myself, it was like going from sleeping on a cloud to sleeping on a brick. It might take some time, but your body will eventually get used to it, albeit resignedly.

Also, a firm mattress can sometimes be bad for specific back problems like scoliosis and arthritis. Consult your doctor before making any new mattress purchase.

Lastly, firm mattresses can be bad for people who sleep on their sides. The spine ends up being a little curved due to the positioning, and the firm surface will no doubt dig into the sides of your hips.

Soft Mattresses


Soft mattresses are recommended for people experiencing back pain or having back issues. They help cushion the spine and alleviate pain.

They’re also great for those who sleep on their sides. Soft mattresses offer padded protection for the sides and hips.

Lastly, and this is just personal preference, soft mattresses make you feel ultra cozy and comfortable, ensuring you get a good night’s sleep.


There are a few drawbacks to a soft mattress.

Firstly, a soft mattress only works for a certain weight range. If you’re average or overweight, the soft mattress can give in easily and actually cause issues for your back.

Next, a soft mattress can be problematic for bed sharers. If your partner is a lot lighter or heavier than you, the mattress can sink on one side and become unbalanced in the long run.

Lastly, soft mattresses have a shorter lifespan than firm mattresses. Since they’re already soft in the first place, it’ll take a shorter time for them to get softer and softer until they’re rendered useless.

Things You Need to Consider

Back Pain and Other Health Concerns

Your health should be your number one priority when picking out a San Diego mattress. It ensures your spine will stay straight and stable for as long as possible and not develop any mobility problems in the future.

If you have no back problems and are of an average to heavier build, then a firm mattress is for you. It stabilizes your spine and is mostly unyielding.

On the other hand, if you’ve got back problems, then the soft mattress is the way to go. This cushions your aching spine while you sleep. It’s also good for lightweight sleepers as firmer mattresses may not compress for them—they might as well be sleeping on the floor.

Sleeping Arrangements

How you sleep and who you sleep with is another important factor!

Generally, people who sleep on their backs and stomachs will fare better with a firm mattress. This supports their backs while they sleep. Side sleepers, on the other hand, will do better with a soft mattress as it supports the sides of their body, particularly the hips.

Now, if you sleep with other people, then it might be a good idea to have a firm mattress. This ensures your bed is balanced as much as possible. With a softer mattress, you risk having your bed partners roll towards you, or you roll towards them, and nobody likes a bed hog.


As we mentioned earlier, soft mattresses have a shorter life span and thus need to be replaced more frequently. Mattresses are a pretty big investment, and you’ll probably want to save that money for something more important.

At the same time, however, you shouldn’t compromise your health. If you stick with a firm mattress despite your doctors recommending a soft one, you could aggravate your back pain even more. This, in turn, will up your medical expenses considerably.

Personal Preference

Lastly, you need to be satisfied with your mattress. You can’t have a good night’s sleep if you’re rolling around in bed trying to find that sweet spot!

Luckily for you, mattress softness is less black and white and more of a spectrum. You can have varying levels of both firm and soft, so make sure to test out your mattresses before making a decision. Buying a mattress is like buying a house—you need to make sure everything’s perfect before buying it.